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Complexity: even dead fish go with the flow

even dead fish go with the flow

This master class is for anyone who doesn’t know where to start in resolving complex systems or problems in their workplace.

Navigating complexity requires us to adopt an approach that isn’t based on predictability and homogeneity. It requires us to embrace uncertainty and divergence, tap into the vast knowledge of various players in our systems, seek our patterns and take small ‘safe to fail’ actions that nudge our organisation in a desirable direction.

This highly interactive and participative master class will provide heuristics and ‘survival skills’ useful for navigating complex terrain, which you will be able to take with you back to your own organisation.

The alternative is to be taken downstream, but even dead fish go with the flow, right?  

topics include

  • Complexity principles and concepts.

  • Safety as an emergent property of a complex adaptive system.

  • Practical approach to complexity and complex human systems.

  • Differences between organised and disorganised spaces and how we need to act differently.

  • A good understanding of how we can tap into what is happening in the here and now with some methods and tools.

  • The naturalistic approach on how to influence complex systems.

  • Practical approach to complexity and complex human systems.

the master class

This live interactive master class will be presented as 3-hour session.

Monday 28 March
8:00 am to 11 am AEDT (UTC + 11)
Melbourne Time

Sunday 27 March
10:00 pm to 01:00 am (UTC +1)
London Time


master class registration:
$295 AUD (ex GST) / £ 160

AIHS and Lighthouse Members:
$265.50 AUD (ex GST) / £ 140

register now to secure your seat!

2 March

Enabling Controls: Control Effectiveness in Practice

30 March

Enabling Design: Using Human Centred Design to Build Safety Capacity