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Managing COVID 19 | What would be different if we applied Safety II?

Managing COVID 19 | What would be different if we applied Safety II?

Are you, like us, finding the daily press conferences announcing the COVID-19 progress reports increasingly frustrating; especially when achieving the objective of zero cases seems further and further away!

Perhaps our Government should approach this crisis differently?

Join us for a lively and informative conversation, that will see our webinar panel of experts analyse and share their views as to the effectiveness of the traditional Safety I strategies, currently being deployed by our Government to combat COVID-19 infection rates.

Would the current situation and outcome be very different, if they had chosen to also deploy Safety II strategies?

Together, we will take a look at the current challenges facing the Australian Government in its management of COVID-19. Through both analysis and engaging debate, we will look at where things are going wrong and explore alternative approaches based on Safety II principles, that could be able to restore our ability to function safely.

Register now to confirm your attendance and get a copy of the webinar recording. You will also get access to our COVID-19 Resource Centre.

Managing COVID|19 What would be different if we applied Safety II?


Mary-Louise McLaws

Mary-Louise is Professor of Epidemiology, Hospital Infection and Infectious Diseases Control at UNSW. She was appointed to the WHO Health Emergencies, Program Experts Advisory Panel for Infection Control for COVID-19 in February 2020. Previously she was the WHO Advisor to China and Malaysia for surveillance and an expert advisor to WHO on several global projects for many years. 

She has worked on the HIV pandemic, reviewed the response to the SARS 2003 outbreak in Hong Kong and Beijing and assisted the Australian preparedness for the influenza pandemic. Outside pandemics she works in patient safety, reducing the risk of infection in hospitalised patients. 

She has capacity-built surveillance, patient safety, and outbreak control programs in low-and middle-income countries.

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Sue Ieraci
Emergency Physician

Sue is a specialist emergency physician who has held positions in management, medical regulation and health system consulting over a long clinical career.
She now works in emergency telemedicine, which has further broadened her perspective on risk-aversion and how risk is siloed between services.

Prof. Sidney Dekker
Griffith University

Sidney is a Professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, where he runs the Safety Science Innovation Lab.

Sidney has won worldwide acclaim for his groundbreaking work in human factors and safety. He coined the term ‘Safety Differently’ in 2012, which has since become a movement.

Sidney is also the bestselling author of a plethora of ‘required reading’ books, which include: The Safety Anarchist; Just Culture; Safety Differently; and; Drift into Failure.


Kelvin Genn
Art of Work

Kelvin is the Art of Work’s Managing Director. Formerly, he was the NSW Health Director for Clinical Quality and Patient Safety. He has also worked with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to develop the national accreditation system for all health care providers across Australia.


Michael Tooma Clyde & Co

Michael is the Managing Partner of Clyde & Co Australia. He is internationally recognised as one of the pre-eminent health and safety lawyers in the region. Michael is the leading advisor on COVID Mandatory Vaccination in Australia. He is advising high profile businesses to navigate legal obligations and risks in relation to the COVID Vaccination of their employees and other on-site personnel.

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