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Resilimap® Learning Teams Programme

Resilimap® Learning Teams Programme

We know it's possible to identify and leverage capacity, variability, conditions, and constraints without pointing fingers or enforcing compliance to heighten performance and build operational resilience. We're challenging the norm - changing the response from investigation to learning.
With Resilimap® Learning Teams (RLTs), curiosity is raised to support discovery, analysis, and improvement.

Resilimap® Learning Team shifts your organisation from blame to learning and improvement.

the programme.

The programme runs over 9 weeks and consists of 9 x 3-hour sessions, run on a weekly basis.

We offer the Resilimap® Learning Team course as a 9-week learning journey, that takes you through the different stages of learning. Week 1 starts with the 3-hour Explorer level master class to take you through the basic concepts and philosophy. This is not a prerequisite for the rest of the 8-week programme consisting of the Guide and Pathfinder levels.
Start an entry-level investigator and emerge after week 8, as a confident, accomplished pathfinder, trained to facilitate and deliver successful RLTs.

Explorer Level

Friday 4 February
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Pathfinder Level

Friday 11 March

10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 18 March
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 25 March
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 1 April
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Guide Level

Friday 11 February

10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 18 February
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 25 February
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT

Friday 4 March
10:00 am to 1 pm AEDT


Lighthouse members and AIHS members receive a10% discount!

* excluding GST

register now to secure your seat!

16 November

Enabling Leadership Program

2 March

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