Enabling Controls: Control Effectiveness using Human Centered Design



October 3

Are you confident that the controls your organisation depends upon are reliable and effective?

Writing of procedures is not sufficient to ensure safe work, the more we depend on people doing the right thing at the right time the greater the likelihood of unexpected failure.

Enabling controls tests the robustness of a given control and calibrates for its human factors dependence. Traditional control methodology does not calibrate reliability against human performance.

Enabling Controls teaches you how to diagnose the strength and weakness of a given control and identify opportunities to improve control robustness using human centered design.

what is enabling controls?

Enabling controls brings the benefit of harnessing and leveraging the expertise of those that do the work, and the system experts in your organisation

Learn how to critically analyse the control effectiveness of any given strategy to inform organisational leadership of both the control capacity and control deficiency.

break the audit cycle

How do we measure the effectiveness of critical controls?

We audit them.

We see if they are implemented correctly, we test whether it matches design specifications.

We don't test the outcome or whether a control is working well. We create data as to whether the system is working as imagined, we don't test if the imagined aligns with how work is done, or if that system is any good to begin with.

Audits reinforce the conditions that lead to doing audits. By making audits into the source of truth, doing more audits will often seem as to solution to many problems. When you have doubts, you then need to produce more facts, and thus more audits...

Enabling Controls: Control Effectiveness in Practice will teach you the strategies and tactics to break the audit cycle and learn to guide your organisation to focus less on process details, and more positive outcomes and value produced.

what will you learn?

  • Learn how to measure controls for adaptability and robustness

  • Moving from a reactionary view of accountability to one of engagement seeing people as a solution to harness rather than a problem to control

  • Learn how to connect the expertise of the frontline with the system experts in your organisations

  • Incorporate the principles of Human Centred Design into the way systems are planned and resourced in your organisation


who is this for?

Senior Leaders - Who want to engage their organisations and bring ‘buy-in’ to a new way of thinking around critical risk.

Operational Leaders / Line Managers - building synergy between system experts and those that do the work.

Safety Leaders - interested in incorporating Human Centred Design to the way systems are designed,

Safety professionals who are interested in building resilience within their organisation through harnessing operational performance input from the frontline, designing controls that are less about bureaucratic accountability and more about creating and ensuring the safe conditions of work?

program structure

  • Moving from accountability to Engagement

    Expertise; who gets to decide?

    Audit society - Control as imagined - is the control good?

  • Critical controls and varying conditions (including people)

    Introducing Human Dependency to HoC

    human factors approach to control hierarchy

  • Harnessing operational performance input from the frontline

    Does the control work still aid you when things don't go as expected?

    Failure to disagree: Experts are often unaware of the cues that guide them

  • Delivering Effective Controls through Human Centred Design

    Create controls that interface with people

    Iterate test and build

This highly interactive and participative program blends individual self-paced learning and reflection with engaging live online group sessions. Each participant will be given access to our interactive platform featuring case studies, videos, podcasts, articles and more, to optimise your learning journey.

The program runs over 4 weeks and consists of 4 x 120-minute sessions.
Before each module begins, we will invite you to undertake guided, self-led learning, including a thought-provoking video, podcast, and reading collateral to prepare you for the topics featured in the next module.


Wednesday 2nd October 2024

4 pm to 6pm pm PST

Weekly for three weeks


Thursday 4th October 2024

10 am to 12 pm AEDT


meet our facilitators

  • Michael is a professor of Occupational Safety at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, and Coordinator of the Working Commission on Safety and Health in Construction at the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, in the Netherlands.  He holds a PhD in Public Health from Oregon State University.  Mike has been a Certified Safety Professional since 1995.  He was a safety and health professional for 10 years with Lenox China and Saint-Gobain Corporation.  Mike serves on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Construction Sector Occupational Research and Prevention through Design (PtD) Councils.  He was previously a Research Fellow at the Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology, Singapore focusing on safe design aspects of urban greenery systems, and a Visiting Fellow at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.  Mike’s philosophy on work is that each person has a significant role in arranging the conditions where they and their workmates can be successful. 

  • Kelvin Genn is the Art of Work’s Managing Director. He is a strategic systems thinker with experience in Human Factors and organizational re-engineering. He developed his systems thinking approach working in the Royal Australian Air Force for 10 years. Following this, for 10 years, he led systems and risk management program across Asia Pacific and Europe with Compass Group Plc, the world’s largest support service company with more than 750,000 employees.

    More recently he was working for (SKM) Sinclair Knight Merz as the Global General Manager for Safety and Wellness delivering safety for major project construction in mining, energy and infrastructure.

    As a Board Member for NSW Health, Kelvin has worked as the NSW Health Director for Clinical Quality and Patient Safety. He has also worked with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to develop the national accreditation system for all health care providers across Australia. He was responsible for shaping the state and national agendas for clinical health care safety and quality through provision of expert advice to the NSW Health Management Board and the NSW Minister of Health.


Book your spot now for AUD$990*

Lighthouse members are eligible for a 10% discount

* Excluding Fees & Taxes

why choose art of work academy?

Founders of Safety Differently: we brought the Safety Differently movement, theory and research into practice. We live and breathe the principles and have first-hand experience implementing Safety Differently in organisations across different sectors.

Personal:  we create small learning groups to allow you to benefit from individual attention in a ‘safe space’ environment.  We will encourage you to understand your leadership style and strengths whilst supporting your areas for development with the potential for coaching sessions.

Collaborative:  in your learning ‘cohort,’ you will have the opportunity to expand your network, gain new ways of thinking and test ideas with peers from a range of sectors and businesses.

Practical: we adopt a strong practical focus to enable you to bring your learning to life back in your organisations. Our facilitators are subject matter experts and are immersed in the latest thinking and know-how to put it into play.


how will you learn?

With our blended learning approach, you will receive in addition to the 4 x 120 minute live sessions, a suite of companion online content that will help to reinforce your understanding of the different concepts, tactics and strategies covered in the program. These include:


Key Readings

Videos & Podcasts


Forum Discussions

Reflection Journal


what you will take away

The conversation does not end at the completion of this program. Guide-level Academy courses include:

  • Six months of access to course materials, workshop recordings

  • One year membership to art of work solutions lighthouse including access to a ‘private’ Lighthouse Resource Centre - a comprehensive web portal packed with case studies, Master Class content, reference documents and white papers

  • Invitation to quarterly Lighthouse virtual collaboration and networking events featuring topical themes and renowned guest speakers

  • Access to the private Art of Work Solutions Journal Club; a chance to connect, share ideas and learn from like-minded professionals


Contact us to run a bespoke programme for your organisation.